Thursday, May 5, 2011

i'm in love with this song~

Last kiss...

I still remember the look on your face
Been through the darkness at 1:58
The words that you whispered for just us to know
You told me you loved me so why did you go away, go away

I do recall now the smell of the rain
Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane
That July 9th the beat of your heart
It jumps through your shirt, I can still feel your arms

But now I'll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes
All that I know is I don't know
How to be something you miss

Never thought we'd have a last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips

I do remember the swing of your step
The life of the party, you're showing off again
And I roll my eyes and then you pulled me in
I'm not much for dancing but for you did

Because I loved your handshake, meeting my father
I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets
How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something
There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions

And I'll go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes
All that I know is I don't know
How to be something you miss

Never thought we'd have a last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips, ohh

So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
And I'll feel you forget me like I use to feel you breathe
And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are
Hope it's nice where you are

And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed
We can plan for a change in weather and time
I never planned on you changing your mind

So, I'll go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes
All that I know is I don't know
How to be something you miss

I never thought we'd ever last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips
Just like our last kiss, forever the name on my lips

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


hm...boringnye ble tadek org nk msg or call...camne la aku xrase bosan ble idup single cmni...(klu kwn2 aku bce ni msti dorg komplen bla....bla...bla...)

hari ni hari ketiga...n aku,like always,akn msg die gak even aku tau die x akn reply.
korang rase patot ke aku msg die?aku msg sbb aku nk end kan sume bende yg myekse jiwe aku ni...but still,he didn't reply...huu~sgt sdeh skg la yg aku da wat agaknye ye..pning da otak aku ni pusing2(naseb pale aku ni xpusing same,klu x msti aku nye pale da upside down.hehe)

eish,smpat lak aku glak sorg2.tgh sdeh ni!=(

skg ni cume harap yg die akn reply blek msg tu je..tu pon da ckup utk wat aku x tsekse da.tolongla paham...aku da pnah rase bnde cmni...xkan nak wat bnde yg sme cmtu gk...

nak bjwang jap...

My Heart Was Taken By You,
Broken By You And Now
Is In Pieces Because Of You

The part that hurts me the most,
is knowing that I once had you and then lost you...

Even when I pour my heart out to you,I'm not sure it shows, that I love you more than you'll ever know.

There is one pain I often feel which
you will never know because
it is caused by the absence of you.

Sometimes it's hard to love someone
because you're so afraid of losing them

Monday, May 2, 2011

ppum (21/3-29/4) n things dat happened...~

hari yg dtggu dah pun lepas...hari jumaat..hari takhir aku sbagai sorg staf smntare kt ppum.i'm not proud to become one of them,for sure!

so on da last day,i was like:"really?hari ni last day?"
cam xcaye je.tapi last day kat sane mmg SUCKS!!!!!still kena g treat patient eventhough there are lots of things to do!!xpnah aku jumpe fisio yg xbtul cmtu,kul 4 sruh ktorg g amek signature sume fisio,gila!kul 4.30 da kena blek.t'kedek2 la kami ni g cari fisio kat sume department.ikutkan hati,rse nk cekik2 je.tapi,nasib baek la Allah mmberi aku kesabaran yg lbeh sket..hehe
n lastly,ktorg xsmpat pn nk settle sume bnde tu..ianye dlanjutkan smpai hari esok...(ye!kami tpakse ke sane utk mgambil sume markah2 tsebut,ade ke patot???die nye salah,ktorg lak kena bsusah payah.grr~)

spanjang kat sane,pe yg aku bleh kate la,tu la tmpt prac yg plg x best,plg pnat, n mmbuatkan ktorg jadi bodo skejap.haha.btul,kat sne xleh nak blaja lgsung.

but da best part of da prac:-
-we learn so many diseases(haha,best ke tu?)
-dpt makan hot n roll savoury crispy pizza beef!(esok nk bli la!yay!)
-even pnat kena bngun kul 5.30 pg,tp ble dengar da voice dat waking me up,i felt fresh,n so happy to go through the day(thnx sbb sudi kejut sampai kena set jam nak bangun just to wake me up,hehe)
-kadang2 ade org sudi hantar sampai sane!(ni yg plg best ni,thnx again..=D)

even ade yg best pasal prac ni,but none of it,NONE dat can make us missed dat place.haha.

haa...masuk zon sdeh lak..sgt xrela nk blah dr shah alam ni..
i've gotta say dat tonight are going to b da last nite in shah alam...sgt sdeh okay!

<3 nanti xdpt jumpe iela kt giant!-hari2 aku akan lalu kat dlm juz to meet u taw x..hehe-
<3 nanti xdpt da mkn kueteow kt khalifah yg sgt sdap tu...
<3 nanti xdpt jumpe da team bola uitm yg sgt happening!-sgt mnyesal xdpt tgk dorg maen hari tu..da la siap jd playmaker lak...='(-
<3 sgt byk la bnde yg akn drindui kat sini...xlarat nak tulis da..=p

but i have to admit it,life ni bknnye leh nk relax je..kena byk bkorban sket..

n about me n u,lets juz leave it to Allah.if ade jodoh,ade la..if xde,aku redha je..nak wat camne kan..kte cume hambe-Nya..

but for da record,sriously hav lots of fun wif u..sriously dun think dat i can feel this way again...hehe

rite now,i was kinda disappointed coz he'd been acting like a x sudi kwn ngn aku kot??
mane x nye,slalu die yg akn call,like several times a ble exam ni,jgn kate call,text pn ssh..xtau pe mslahnye..maybe t'igt kat ex die yg cun tu kot..=(
xpela...nk wat cmne...aku ni pun muke xpyh la nk bharap ke pe.xpyh la nk pikir lg...blaja sampai abes,da kje,then baru la pikir sume tu..kn2??tapi sdeh n ssh sket la nk let go all these crappy feelings away...

Ya Allah...bantulah hambe mu ini...amiinnnnnn......